The United Services Workers’ Union, or Ver.di for short, is a very strong and present trade union. Together with the BDSW, which has more than a quarter of a million members, the workers’ representatives regularly campaign for wage adjustments and compensation for inflation. For the 2022 round of collective bargaining, initial demands have been put on the table in several federal states and it can be assumed that employees in the security industry will receive more money at the end of the year, resulting in noticeably higher personnel costs. A fact that has to be faced and reacted to.

Rising staff salaries and thus also the growing total costs for security projects are not a new topic, but they have been “simply” accepted up to now for lack of an alternative. According to a recent Lünendonk study, customer requirements are growing, although less and less money is being spent on them. A spiral that inevitably leads to collapse.

Realising complex scenarios in high quality + future-proof – how does that work?


Service providers must adapt to the changed market situation and the permanent shortage of skilled workers. In the future, large-scale projects and demanding tasks will only be able to be covered in the required quality by companies which, on the one hand, continuously further qualify their staff and, on the other hand, already go new ways in the creation of security concepts.

As should be clear by now, the exclusive use of “human security components” only makes sense in exceptional cases. Those who are now shaking their heads in surprise should realise that this has long been a lived reality. After all, there is hardly an object worth protecting without perimeter sensors, permanently installed cameras, door control & access systems or the like, which however – already due to their location-bound nature – reach their limits. Up to now, guards have often been deployed as “mobile components” for patrolling, technical staff for checking condition values, reception staff for visitor care, etc. But what can be done when there simply aren’t enough staff available and, as already mentioned at the beginning, the cost pressure continues to increase?

Smart AI solutions for sustainable security


One solution is to include mobile robotic systems in the component mix. Thanks to AI software, these mechanical colleagues are ideally equipped for any situation and can then take over precisely those areas where they can show their strengths and score points, for example, with great fatigue-free endurance, 360° all-round and night vision and clever networking. Instead, trained employees are primarily assigned tasks where human intuition, intuition, experience and decision-making power are effective.

Another plus point is the close-meshed networking and communication of all IoT components and thus the seamless integration of the new technology into existing systems. This is made possible by modular, scalable software platforms for perfect human-machine cooperation, such as those developed by Security Robotics. As a result, quality increases, despite regulated personnel costs!

So let’s take a new and sustainable look at the topic of security together and find a cost-efficient solution that can also cope with the next tariff increases or imponderables of the market.


Michael Engel |

Landsberger Allee 366, 12681 Berlin
Telefon: +49 341 2569 3369

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