Unitree meets security robotics

Our company acts as a system-open software developer and robotics integration specialist. We use customised hardware, i.e. robots, drones, cameras, sensors, etc., which represent the ideal platforms and equipment at any given time to meet individual security concepts and customer requirements.

When selecting our suppliers and manufacturers, we look for the perfect mix of innovative strength, reliability and product maturity in order to maintain sustainable and long-term relationships based on partnership.

We therefore maintain close contacts with the most renowned robot manufacturers, for whom we act – in some cases exclusively – as a regional reseller, partner and experienced innovation driver.

Regular dialogue, impulses from projects, the integration of new features or simply first looks at new products from our partners efficiently support the further development of safety robots and technologies.

Unitree Robotics, is one such partner that has been developing robots for more than a decade. After several generations of quadrupeds, the company is now also focussing on humanoid systems, such as the recently launched G1. Unitree takes on all creative processes from research, development and production through to sales and, as a multi-certified company, can point to more than 180 of its own patents. The company also operates in the B2B and B2C environment and is striving to become the global technology leader for four-legged robots. So there is no lack of experience, success and self-confidence – and rightly so.

Unitree meets security robotics

Naturally, we were eager to meet the visitors from the “Middle Kingdom” and learn about their latest developments. As soon as robotics enthusiasts and experts – even from different cultures – meet, a level of mutual understanding is quickly established and potential language barriers are overcome thanks to the shared enthusiasm for robotics.

While we talked about our services and strengths and about network technologies, interface development, software platforms, integration and safety issues, Mr Zhang and Mr Zheng were able to show us their latest – market-ready – walking robots.

To understand: Unitree Robotics currently sees itself as a pure hardware provider, whereas use cases, functionalities and the practical integration of the platforms are the responsibility of companies like ours. We use our in-house central platform solution ACUDA (Autonomous Centre of Unified Digital Actors – Core of all Security Robotics innovations. Integrates all IoT devices + robotic solutions and expands their features and areas of application) and, thanks to NUCRON (IoT Injector), integrate additional actuators into a networked security solution.

Unitree meets security robotics

Security Robotics also develops independent use cases for Unitree robots and customised payloads of all kinds, which, for example, harmonise ideally with a Go1 robot (size, weight, power consumption, networking, etc.). Of course, all other robotic systems from the Chinese market leader can and will be considered by our development team as a useful extension of our AMR (autonomous mobile robot) portfolio and integrated into the necessary platform solutions.

Together, they create an autonomous safety solution that benefits from the strengths and performance focus of the partners.

So while we talked about our services and strengths and about network technologies, interface development, software platforms, integration and security issues, Mr Zhang and Mr Zheng were able to show us their latest – market-ready – four-legged friends.

In addition to the interesting exchange, we were of course looking forward to new robotics hardware and were not disappointed. In addition to the successor to our “supporter” Go1 – appropriately named Go2 – we were introduced to the latest development in the field of walking robots, B2.

Putting the hardware through its paces

When new robots arrive at Security Robotics, they are always put through their paces before being customised. Our test site offers ideal conditions for this and both Unitree four-legged friends were given the opportunity to demonstrate their climbing and climbing abilities as well as their general robustness and load-bearing capacity. When overcoming piles of rubble, climbing stairs, evasive manoeuvres, etc., the on-board AI and implemented routines have to show what they are capable of. Engines, joints, chassis, etc. are also subjected to stress in order to later perform reliably under all imaginable conditions in live use.

This clearly demonstrated the rapid progress that walking robots have made in recent years and from generation to generation. Thanks to our aforementioned system openness, we are able to compare several manufacturers with each other, not only within the time frame, but also within the model cycles. This helps us to categorise new providers and systems and decide which is the best platform for a specific use case.

Unitree meets security robotics
Unitree meets security robotics

The (new) supporter – Go2

With dimensions roughly comparable to its predecessor Go1 (15kg weight, 70x31x40cm), the Go2 impresses with several improvements such as integrated lidar (360°, 4D LIDAR L1), improved manoeuvrability (40° climbing ability, 5m/s speed), load capacity (payload 8-12kg), battery life (from 8,000 to 15,000mAh) and increased computing power. Still compact and lightweight, the small robot can be easily transported in a car boot, placed on the ground and activated. In addition to the classic task of supporting a security guard, the new charging station now also allows the Go2 to patrol autonomously for the first time (2-4 hours at maximum).

Impressively powerful – B2

The high-legged robot flexes its muscles when it comes to technical data: more than 6m/s speed, almost 2m jumping distance, ground clearance of 0.4m, climbing ability of more than 45°, extreme load capacities of 40kg permanently and up to 120kg when stationary. Equally impressive are the operating temperatures (-20 to +55°C), operating time (4-6 hours) and weather resistance (IP67), which potentially allows permanent outdoor operation under almost all conceivable environmental conditions. In addition to the “muscles”, the “brain” of the system is also impressive, as several state-of-the-art AI-supported computers work in parallel.

Unitree meets security robotics
Unitree meets security robotics

Look behind the chassis

In keeping with the open and friendly atmosphere of the day, we took our break together in the sun, grilled meat and vegetables, served bread and fruit and continued our conversations in a great atmosphere over lunch.

After the intensive activities in the outdoor area, where of course we also lent a hand, controlled and tested everything ourselves, we naturally wanted to find out more about the “inner values” of the robots. Now we went into detail, asking questions such as: What can the new lidar do? How durable are the platforms? Which payloads can be assembled/developed? were discussed and we delved into topics such as interface connection, software integration, AI models and areas of application. Of course, we were also given insights into special features and talked about plans and further opportunities for intensified collaboration.

Unitree meets security robotics


After the many impressions and new information gained, it will now be time for both sides to discuss and define the appropriate – potential – utilisation and application possibilities. But this much became clear: robots made in China will also be increasingly used in the future and further models such as the Go2 will find their home in our portfolio.

Once again, it became clear how important such an exchange at eye level is. In close co-operation between developers and users, between hardware and software and drawing conclusions from customer projects, security robots can not only continue to develop, but also become increasingly effective tools and a natural support for the entire security industry and far beyond.


Michael Engel

E-Mail: m.engel@security-robotics.de
Phone: +49 341 2569 3369

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